wanted to do this job since I bought the Bristol in 1987. The boat uses a
molded floor pan that is glassed to the hull, without any kind of proper
floors to strengthen the hull or support the sole. Since I am rebuilding the
cabin, I'm starting with a strong and seaworthy foundation.
Here you can see I
have cut out part of the saloon sole, starting at the head, where I
replaced the keel step braces for the compression posts that support
the deck-stepped mast step, and working my way aft. |
This is how the the
molded sole pan is attached to the interior of the Bristol 29. No
strength; a weak arrangement at best, with no floors to strengthen the
hull form and no bracing to keep the molded pan from sagging. A
typical method used in many boats of the period and most modern boats
today (only with modern boats the whole interior is a molded liner). |
This is a shot of
one of the four hanger bolts glassed to the hull that the water
bladder attaches to. I'm thinking about either having a custom water
tank built to fit the space or enclose the space into an integral
tank. We'll see what happens here. |